Available Proficiency Exams
Department Location: Stevenson Hall, room 425
Contact Department of Economics
- ECO 101 - Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 102 - Principles of Macroeconomics
Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Department Location: Stevenson Hall, room 120
Contact Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
French Courses
- FRE 111 - First-Year French (Part I)
- FRE 112 - First-Year French (Part II)
- FRE 115 - Second-Year French (Part I)
- FRE 116 - Second-Year French (Part II)
German Courses
- GER 112 - First-Year German (Part II)
- GER 115 - Second-Year German (Part I)
- GER 116 - Second-Year German (Part II)
Italian Courses
- ITA 111 - First-Year Italian (Part I)
- ITA 112 - First-Year Italian (Part II)
- ITA 115 - Second-Year Italian (Part I)
- ITA 116 - Second-Year Italian (Part II)
Japanese Courses
- JPN 111 - First-Year Japanese (Part I)
- JPN 112 - First-Year Japanese (Part II)
- JPN 115 - Second-Year Japanese (Part I)
- JPN 116 - Second-Year Japanese (Part II)
Latin Courses
- LAT 111 - First-Year Latin (Part I)
- LAT 112 - First-Year Latin (Part II)
- LAT 115 - Second-Year Latin (Part I)
Portuguese Courses
- POR 111 - First-Year Portuguese (Part I)
- POR 112 - First-Year Portuguese (Part II)
- POR 115 - Second-Year Portuguese (Part I)
Spanish Courses
- SPA 111 - Basic Spanish Skills
- SPA 112 - Beginning Spanish
- SPA 115 - Second-Year Spanish (Part I)
- SPA 116 - Second-Year Spanish (Part II)
- SPA 214* - Oral Communication in Spanish
*The Oral Proficiency Exam (OPE) for SPA 214 credit has a different administration date from the SPA 111-116 written proficiency exams. Students who come in with strong oral skills will set up a time for the OPE directly with the faculty member administering the exam. For more information about this process and who is eligible, please read more on the Placement Exam page.
Health Sciences
Department Location: Felmley Hall Science Annex, room 421
Contact Department of Health Sciences
HSC 105 - Medical Terminology
Department Location: Schroeder Hall, room 301
- HIS 101 - Western Civilization to 1500
- HIS 102 - Modern Western Civilization
- HIS 135 - History of the United States to 1865
- HIS 136 - History of the United States since 1865
Information Technology
School Location: Old Union, room 202
Contact School of Information Technology
The School of Information Technology requires a major programming project to be completed prior to the exam. Contact the department at least one month before your exam to learn more.
- IT 168 - Structured Problem Solving Using the Computer
- IT 178 - Computer Application Programming
- IT 179 - Introduction to Data Structures
Department Location: Stevenson Hall, room 313
Department of Mathematics page
For specific questions regarding Mathematics Proficiency Exams, please email the Mathematics Department
- MAT 113 - Elements of Mathematical Reasoning
- MAT 120 - Finite Mathematics
- MAT 121 - Applied Calculus
- MAT 130 - Dimensions of Numerical Reasoning
- MAT 145 - Calculus I
- MAT 146 - Calculus II
- MAT 147 - Calculus III
- MAT 152 - Dimensions of Mathematical Reasoning
- MAT 175 - Elementary Linear Algebra
Department Location: Moulton Hall, room 311
- PHY 105 - Fundamentals of Physics
- PHY 108 - College Physics I
- PHY 109 - College Physics II
- PHY 110 - Physics for Science and Engineering I
- PHY 111 - Physics for Science and Engineering II
Department Location: Degarmo Hall, room 463
Contact Department of Psychology
PSY 110 - Fundamentals of Psychology
Special Education
Department Location: Degarmo Hall, room 533
Contact Department of Special Education
- SED 130 - American Sign Language I
- SED 230 - Using ASL and Other Visual Language Systems
Department Location: Turner Hall, room 215
Contact Department of Technology
- TEC 100 - Professional Development in Technology
- TEC 111 - Fundamentals of Power Technology
- TEC 116 - Intro Technical Drawing & Constraint-Based Solid Modeling
- TEC 117 - Construction Graphics
- TEC 120 - Introduction to Building Construction
- TEC 121 - Construction Methods
- TEC 123 - Construction Documents & Quantity Takeoff
- TEC 130 - Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
- TEC 143 - Introduction to Electronics for Data Communication
- TEC 150 - Graphic Communications Technology
- TEC 151 - Introduction to Computer Systems Technology
- TEC 152 - Digital Media Applications
- TEC 160 - Introduction to Renewable Energy