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Subsequent Endorsements

Apply Directly with Illinois State

You can apply to be recommended for a subsequent endorsement through Illinois State if you meet requirements and criteria.


  • Have a current Illinois State teacher license that may be endorsed
  • Completed an Illinois State University Teacher Education program
  • Completed all requirements for the subsequent endorsement
  • Passed required licensure tests (posted to your ELIS account) and have the required amount of content coursework for the desired endorsement
  • Completed a minimum of six semester hours of coursework at Illinois State University towards the requested endorsement or you are a licensed teacher and have completed the entire endorsement program or the required courses/credit hours for the endorsement at Illinois State
  • The requested endorsement is offered. Available endorsements are listed at the bottom of this page

This Subsequent Endorsement Application is for teachers who are already licensed through the state of Illinois. If you are currently enrolled in an ISU Teacher Education program, please visit the College of Education's website to read about Subsequent Endorsements prior to graduation.


  • Only coursework from Illinois schools of higher education will be considered (unless undergraduate hours were already articulated to Illinois State for the first licensure program)
  • No coursework completed more than 10 years from the date of the application will be considered
  • Illinois State will not recommend an endorsement in an area in which we do not have an approved program unless it is an endorsement only program that you complete at Illinois State
  • Course content acceptable for the endorsement is based on departmental standards of the relevant teacher education program at Illinois State. In some cases, our teacher education programs will hold a higher standard of acceptability than the ROE or ISBE.
  • Graduate and undergraduate courses will be considered for the desired endorsement

Apply Directly with ISBE

In the following circumstances, apply for subsequent endorsements directly with ISBE through your ELIS account:

  • You have not completed an Illinois State University Teacher Education licensure program nor the entire endorsement coursework at Illinois State University
  • You have new out-of-state coursework that needs to be considered for the endorsement
  • You completed coursework more than 10 years ago that needs to be considered for the endorsement
  • The endorsement is for a program that Illinois State does not offer (initial licensure or endorsement program)
  • You haven't completed any coursework at Illinois State for the subsequent endorsement
  • You seek endorsements in any Special Education field or grade level

Do not submit an application to ISU if any of these circumstances apply to you. Your application will be denied, and no refund will be issued.

Start the Application Process

Note: If you have already applied via your ELIS account for the Subsequent Endorsement you are requesting on the application, STOP and do not submit the application below. Once you have applied to ISBE you must follow through with their process and follow up directly with them regarding the endorsement. Subsequent Endorsement applications submitted with the application below typically have a 1-2 week turnaround time. Applications submitted through ISBE can take 6 months or longer.

Complete the Request for Subsequent Endorsement Evaluation form.

Cost: $30
Accepted Payment: Money order or check made out to Illinois State University

Submit your form in person or by mail. Include your payment and any required official transcripts.

In Person: Moulton Hall 107

U.S. Mail: Office of the University Registrar
c/o Administrative Clerk
Campus Box 2202
Normal, IL 61790-2202

After You Request Endorsement

Once the evaluation for the endorsement is completed, you'll receive instructions on how to apply for the endorsement with the Illinois State Board of Education.

You must apply for the subsequent endorsements as soon as you are notified that Illinois State University has made the subsequent endorsement recommendation. A delay in application may cause the notification to become invalid due to changes in Illinois State Department of Education requirements.

If anything is missing from your application, we'll send you a deficiency letter explaining what you need to complete for us to make the recommendation for the subsequent endorsement. You'll submit a new request form with evidence that you met the identified deficiencies to the appropriate office. If you submit within one year of the date on the initial deficiency letter, you will not have to pay a new evaluation fee.

Available Subsequent Endorsements

Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12

  • BIL/BIC Bilingual/Bicultural- Spanish
  • DA- Dance
  • DTA- Theatre
  • ESL- Teaching English as a Second Language
  • HEED- Health
  • MUS- Music
  • PE- Physical Education
  • READ- Reading
  • VART- Visual Art

Kindergarten-Age 22

  • LBSI- Special Education- Learning Behavior Specialist I

Middle School (Grades 5th - 8th)

You can add a middle school subsequent endorsements if you already hold a middle school teaching license.

  • GESC- General Science
  • MATH- Math
  • SOSC- Social Science
  • LA- Language Arts

Senior High (Grades 5th - 12th)

  • AGR- Agriculture Education
  • BMCP- Business, Marketing, and Computer Ed-Programming
  • BMC- Business, Marketing, and Computer Ed
  • COSC- Computer Science
  • FACS- Family and Consumer Science
  • TEED- Technology Education

Senior High (Grades 9th - 12th)

  • ELA- English
  • MATH- Mathematics
  • SCIB- SCIENCE-Biology
  • SCIC- SCIENCE-Chemistry
  • SCIE- SCIENCE- Environmental Science
  • SCES- SCIENCE-Earth and Space Science
  • SCIP- SCIENCE-Physics
  • SSEC- SOCIAL SCIENCE-Political Science
  • SSEC- SOCIAL SCIENCE-Sociology & Anthropology

Letter of Approval

  • Early Childhood Special Education Letter of Approval

Subsequent Endorsement List

Subsequent Endorsement Guide

For questions concerning the ISBE subsequent endorsement form and procss above, email

If you are are currently enrolled student and have subsequent endorsement questions, please discuss with your academic advisor and if you have additional questions, feel free to contact or